A week of firsts

Can you believe that Holden is already two weeks old?  It amazes me how fast time can fly by.  We have been having such a great time getting to know him since we have been home.  He is such an incredible little guy.  We are so happy to have him in our lives! 

This week there have been a lot of firsts.  Holden’s umbilical cord fell off on Tuesday and now he has a visible belly button!  Yay Holden!  Then on Wednesday he had his first bath.  I was expecting that he would scream through the bath but he didn’t!  He cried initially then quickly calmed down and seemed to be pretty relaxed.  He threw his leg over the side and looked like he was in a hammock on the beach!  He of course christened the water with some urine like any good boy should!  We took him for our first family walk this week around the neighborhood as well with Linus and Sascha.  Linus and Sascha weren’t sure what to make of the stroller at first but seemed to get the hang of it and enjoyed their time outside.  We also went for our a walk on the Ma and Pa trail and used the jogging stroller for the first time.  I tried jogging for about 3 steps just to see what it would feel like and then decided that wasn’t a good idea.  I didn’t expect to be able to run, but also didn’t expect it to feel as painful as it did.  (I guess that’s why they say don’t exercise for 4-6 weeks!)  Walking will be my activity of choice for the next few weeks as my body heals from the trauma of labor 🙂 

Also this week it seems as though Holden has become much more alert!  He has more periods during the day where he is awake and when he is awake he tends to scan his environment more with his eyes!  It looks like he is really trying to take it all in and figure out what this world is that he has been brought into.  He is getting to be more familiar with Matt and I as well and tends to focus much more on our faces. 

He continues to amaze us more and more everyday.  It is so much fun getting to know him and trying to figure out what he enjoys most.  We are definitely appreciating each and every day with our little boy!  Enjoy the pictures 🙂

Until next time…

Erin 🙂


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